All CollectionsFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Approve or Reject Orders Using Authentication Code or Approver Code
How do I update and verify my mobile number?
Why should I update and verify my mobile number?
How do I know that I have a payment order pending for my approval?
How do I approve or reject payment orders?
Why do I need an Authentication Code or Approver Code to approve/reject a payment order?
Can I approve a payment order without an Authentication Code or Approver Code?
What is the difference between Authentication Code and Approver Code?
When do I need an Authentication Code?
When do I need an Approver Code?
I have an Approver Code and I received an Authentication Code as well, which one should I use to approve/reject a payment order?
How can I get an Authentication Code to approve or reject a payment order?
How can I get an Approver Code to approve or reject a payment order?
How can I approve orders if I am unable to verify my mobile number?
How do I know that my mobile number is verified?
My mobile number is updated, but I am not getting an Authentication Code to approve or reject a payment order
I received multiple Authentication Codes, which one should I use to approve or reject an order?
I am getting an error that my Authentication Code is not valid or has expired?
I forgot my Approver Code, how can I retrieve or reset it?
When I add an Approver Code, I am not able to see the code under Edit User?
Where can I find approved or rejected orders?